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Communication in the workplace essay

Communication in the workplace essay

communication in the workplace essay

Essay On Importance Of Communication In The Workplace. Communication in the workplace is very important for employees and companies and through this the company is effective and achieve its objectives. This reduces miscommunication and poor communication. Thus increasing the spirit of cooperation and commitment AC 2. 3 Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of oral communication Oral communication in recent Surveys is one Of the main methods of communication In advantages of oral communication are: Message is received immediately – time saving Cost saving – no need for paper / pen ink Can be move efficient as oral Thus, it is a way of building good communication, negotiation skills, and assists in the process of developing empathy among the employees. Therefore, this paper analyzes the chosen team building exercise and how it can help to develop good

ILM Communication In The Workplace essay - Free Essay Examples

Effective communication is an essential tool is obtaining high productivity, a strong working team at all levels throughout the business and a business that operates smoothly. If a leader spends time in developing clear and effective communication then trust with employees will build. I believe that there is a link between communication and motivation with staff. Good communication is an important part of my role as a leader to ensure staff feel motivated and valued in their job. This in turn can lead to increased productivity, output and staff morale. If employees feel they are valued this is empowering and leads to job satisfaction and a ighly motivated employee. If an employee feels undervalued then this will lead to lack of motivation and no drive. Effective communication also makes it easier for a leader to control and co-ordinate the business.

If employees can give feedback or feel involved in the decision making then as a leader it helps me with any decisions I may need to make. am able to make decisions on more accurate information from feedback from employees. It also reduces misunderstanding. An example of this could be Owo patients with the same first name in the waiting room. The nurse needs to have been informed of a atients full name to ensure the correct patient and patient notes are brought into the surgery. There are communication in the workplace essay stages to the communication cycle. The first stage is creating the message. I as a leader need to decide what the message is need to get across and what method it is best to communicate the message in.

For example if it is a written format I need to ensure that the message is concise and clearly written. If it is an oral medium then I must ensure it is clearly spoken. The second stage is transmitting the message. Once the message has been created it must be given to the receiver employee. Examples of transmission could be as simple as a meeting with the employee or a telephone call — both orally transmitting the message. If the message is for a group of employees then the message could be transmitted in the form of an email or memo which is printed and handed out. The third stage is interpreting the message. Once the employee has received the message they must then interpret what the message is telling or asking them.

Generally the employee would read or listen to the message and analyse it in their head into a more meaningful and manageable message. The fourth and final stage of the cycle is response. Communication is a two way process. The employee must now respond to the message. The response maybe verbal and immediate which is what would normally happen if the message had been transmitted face to face or a written response that either responds in detail to the initial message or just confirms receipt of the message, communication in the workplace essay. An example of the communication process in my work place is that not all staff work on the days our staff meetings take place.

At staff meetings any important information, problems or changes are discussed. To ensure that all staff receive the message of what was discussed at the meeting and any outcomes produce a copy of the meetings minutes for staffwho missed the meeting but also to everyone who did attend. produce a document of bullet points of each topic with a brief outline of what was discussed or decided. I believe that this written communication communication in the workplace essay essential I feel it is important for all staff to nsure they have a written copy to relate back to in the future as a lot of topics can be covered in one meeting so it can be a lot to remember. ransmit this message by handing a copy out to each employee in person and getting them to sign a sheet to say they have received it.

This is then filed in the surgery record book. Staff are then encouraged to come to me if they do not understand something or if they have feedback on one of the points. There are a variety of barriers to communication in the workplace. Some examples of these are: Technical breakdown — has the email sent? Poor timing — stressful situation? On most occasions unless requested by the female principle if as practice manager or one of the nurses ask him to do something he will refuse or point blank ignore the message. Therefore any message that needs to be delivered to him is very difficult. Poor timing is another barrier. Last year we have difficulty in work with our boss being involved in an accident, communication in the workplace essay. It was very difficult to get messages across to employees as it was a stressful ituation.

Some staff reacted efficiently to messages and went out of their way to help me take control of the business, communication in the workplace essay. Other staff members would ignore simple messages such as asking them to perform simple dental nursing tasks such as bleeding compressors weekly. This message had to be transmitted a number of times and in a number of methods oral and written before staff were willing to complete the task without being reminded. Cultural barriers are a barrier believe is becoming more of an issue, communication in the workplace essay. With Britain becoming more of a mixed ethnical nation we are treating a lot more foreign nationalities.

With this comes communication in the workplace essay breakdown of communication due to the language barrier. Patients cannot always understand what the dentist is saying to them. Getting consent for treatment can be difficult. As a practice we verbally explain treatment plans then get the patient to sign a written treatment plan. If a patient cannot understand us then we cannot get consent from them to continue with treatment. Wrong target for message can sometimes be another common barrier within the workplace. Some messages within the practice can be solely aimed at the dentists rather than the team. An example of this could be changes in the way the practice will be ending dental referrals, communication in the workplace essay.

Usually our staff meetings are for the whole team so if something aimed at just the dentists is discussed the other staff members may lose concentration and start talking. This can distract the dentists so they do not receive the message clearly. With certain staff not performing the task it is affecting the team as a whole as the nurses who are doing it feel that the other are not pulling their weight. This then brings the teams motivation down. A way to overcome this barrier is to put a personal development plan in place. The staff that are not completing the task can then be monitored.

Incentives for staff who complete tasks could then be offered. This would ensure that all staff are working towards their personal development plans. This in turn would then increase staff moral and team work. It can be used to provide detailed information such as facts whilst giving a presentation. Written communication is formal, communication in the workplace essay, planned, detailed and official and in general carries more authority than oral communication. It also provides proof of the transmission of a message. There is a wide range of written communication such as letters, emails, instant messaging and text messages.

These are an important legal document and is one of the first communications an employee would receive from their employer. We have staff files that contain written documentation or that individual employee. The files communication in the workplace essay any letters to employees, the terms and conditions of employment, what their role is and what is communication in the workplace essay of them and their contract. believe that this written communication is vital between the employer and employee. It outlines all that is expected of the employee, what the employer will give them in return i. any personal development plans and appraisals. It can also contain disciplinary and warnings.

This written communication is important as it is proof that a message has been ransmitted. Oral communication is probably one ofthe most used forms of communication. Oral communication is more direct than written, is less formal, elicits a response of some kind and is more spontaneous. The receiver of the message will need to ensure they clearly understand what the message is. This means that both the sender and receiver need to use listening and speaking skills to ensure the message is clearly communicated. Oral communication can include staff meetings, communication in the workplace essay, personal discussions, informal conversations, phone calls, face to face talking and presentations, communication in the workplace essay. One example of oral communication within my workplace which believe is our main method of oral communication is conversations.

Staff have to verbally communicate to each other. They have to inform each other when patients arrive, if there are any problems or issues such as a patient running late to an appointment. Oral communication is essential to ensure a message is delivered immediately and staff feedback a message has been received by erforming the task such as when the reception inform the nurse a patient has changes to their medical history, the nurse then immediately informs the dentist before calling the patient into the surgery. Whether the written communication in the workplace essay is in the form of a contract between employee and employer or a treatment communication in the workplace essay to a patient, written paper trails to prove the message was given to the receiver is essential.

y the computer in the surgery of the dentist who the message is for or on my desk as practice manager. The sender will not know when the receiver has read the message or if they have understood it. Especially as sticky notes are not that big so do not allow room for a lot of information. I have on occasions been asked if I have received a message which was left on my desk and I havent. This is because sometime the sticky note has been moved or other things put on top of it. Oral communication is more personal and can make employees feel valued by the employer.

If an important message communication in the workplace essay to be delivered I believe it should not be done orally, communication in the workplace essay. The reason as to why a paper trail is needed is outlined in AC 2. Examples of non-verbal communications are: Sounds laughing Posture slouching Hand gestures Facial expressions Body contact shaking hands Closeness Eye movements rolling eyes or looking away Appearance untidy We naturally reinforce, contradict or emphasize our oral communication with non-verbal communication.

The smile and eye contact reinforce our message.

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communication in the workplace essay

Thus, it is a way of building good communication, negotiation skills, and assists in the process of developing empathy among the employees. Therefore, this paper analyzes the chosen team building exercise and how it can help to develop good Communication in the Workplace. words 4 page (s) Interpersonal communication forms a central part of our daily lives. The skill is crucial in promoting our social relationships (Borman 12). Various analysts determine that social spheres are come in handy in sorting our problems and concerns. Interpersonal communications enable employees in the work place to exchange May 17,  · Effective Communication at the Workplace. Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another. There are many different reasons for why people communicate, we need communication to express our needs and feelings for example a baby cannot talk to us and tell us what he/she needs so instead he/she would Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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