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Essay my role model

Essay my role model

essay my role model

Nov 30,  · 10 Lines Essay on Role Model ( - Words) 1) Everyone has a role model whom they want to follow. 2) My role model is the famous freedom fighter, Mahatma Gandhi. 3) Apart from being a freedom fighter, he was a kind-hearted man. 4) His selfless love for his nation inspires me to be like him. 5) Apr 16,  · Remove from my list. To me a role model is someone in my life that has influenced me in a positive way. They help shape the way I am in the present and what I am going to be in the future. They are some one that I can look forward for advice in a tough situation and I know that they will give me advices with blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Feb 24,  · My mother is the person who has the most impact on my life, and she made me a better person. My mother has many good qualities and values and being a strong woman, supportive, and spiritual is the most important description of her personality. My mom is the strongest person I never saw. She has five children that she raised on her own

Role Model Essay -

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Role Models — My Role Model Example. Everyone has a role model in their life to admire and inspire them in making a decision. Whether it can be a parent, superhero, or just someone they admire. For me, my role model is my father, who inspired me. He is the one I always admire in my life. When I have children, I want to be similar to my father to do for my kids how he takes care of me. He is very knowledgeable, successful, and he has always been by my side to encourage me to be more vital to overcome every difficulty and support any goal I tried to reach. The first thing is my father is knowledgeable. He is as a handyman in my house. If some electronic devices in the home are damaged, he will fix them by himself. Also, my father is a good chef. He always treated me many delicious foods such as Vietnamese food, Thai food, and Chinese food since I could remember.

Moreover, I think he is never exhausted. He seems to work all days and gets only 4 -5 hours of sleep. For example, he always wakes up at 5 AM to do exercise, and then he runs us business, takes me to school, and cooking. He is an excellent example for me to follow in my life. My father is not only knowledgeable, but he is a successful person, too. When I was a child, my father told me his story about how he started his business, essay my role model. He used to go to school and work 10 hours a day. He worked hard and saved money to start his business. Also, he is smart. He has finished and received a essay my role model degree. Besides running his business, he also works in a essay my role model. I thought my father is super hero.

He inspired me to be successful. For instance, when I came to the USA, I almost restarted everything again. I was scared that I could do that, but I thought about how my father got success, which has encouraged me to keep going. Finally, my father has always been by my side to make sure I overcome difficulties and progress towards my goal. In my memory, my father was the first person to go through my troubles. I remembered a heavy rain day, essay my role model. The roads essay my role model flooded, essay my role model. I was stuck at elementary school with thunder, dark sky. It scared me a lot. Suddenly, I saw my father was wading into the water to pick me up.

That incident made me love him so much. The other one, I am fortunate to have my father to push and help me through the hard times. When I was seven, I found it hard to understand and solve my competition problems. However, my father stayed with me all day to help me figure out my problems. As a result, I passed that competition, which motivated me a lot for my future, essay my role model. In conclusion, many people have someone to look up to as their model. For me, that is no one else but my father. He is essay my role model knowledgeable, successful, and he is a person who has one of the biggest heart I know.

If I did not have him in my life, I would not be me today. Someday, I will have children. I hope I can be as great a father to them as my father has been to me. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers essay my role model rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student.

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104,My Role Model essay/ english reading practice/ my role model my mother

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Role Model Essay: My Mother is My Role Model - Essay & Speeches

essay my role model

Apr 16,  · Remove from my list. To me a role model is someone in my life that has influenced me in a positive way. They help shape the way I am in the present and what I am going to be in the future. They are some one that I can look forward for advice in a tough situation and I know that they will give me advices with blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Feb 10,  · A role mode is someone that focuses on the overall picture of an organizations strategic plan, by being an example, provides encouragement, provides timely feedback, provides ways to train employees and improving one’s success within an organization (Lewis, n.d). A role model is positive and have several characteristics to support their positivity Feb 10,  · I chose Selena Gomez to be my role model for many reasons. The first reason is because she is very beautiful and has a great personality. Another reason I chose selena to be my role model is because I love how great of an actor she is. And because I love her music a lot! Specifically one song called “Back to you.”

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